As the heat continues to rise – don’t forget to protect your eyes!

Vision is so important, but often times it is hard to remember to protect until the damage is done. This could not be truer than when it comes to protecting those eyes from the sun.

It’s easy to use sun screen to protect our skin, but what about the sunscreen for your eyes? If you have a prescription and wear contacts a quality pair of sunglasses can make such a difference for your eye health. If you wear glasses, transitioning lenses do not replace the importance of a pair of quality prescription sunglasses. Good news, you’re in luck – our trained opticians can help you find the perfect pair of both!

Polarized lenses

In Colorado specifically we get sun glare from snow, other cars, water, and more – so let’s talk polarized. There are several advantages of polarized lenses. The first – they are just more comfortable for your eyes, reduces eye strain, gives a better color enhancement, better contrast vision, diminishes reflections and glare. When we say glare, this is not typical glare. Polarized lenses have a horizontal filter. As a result, they block sun that comes in from different directions. A tinted lens can only decrease the intensity, not block the glare coming from objects it bounces off of, specifically water.

Don’t forget the mirror! A mirror on your sunglasses provides even more protection for sensitive eyes.

What is the harm in not protecting your eyes?

This beautiful weather also comes with more time outdoors – especially in our beautiful state! Studies show exposure to sunlight increase the risk of cataracts and eye cancer. It is not just the sun, but also all UV light. Indoor UV light can also damage the cornea and lens – ask us how blue light filters can help with this! Sunlight reflections from sand and water can cause photokeratitis, a very painful eye condition.

So many people forget to protect their eyes putting themselves at risk. The good news? You can enjoy your summer and protect your eyes!

How can I protect my eyes?

All ages need protective eye wear so don’t forget your kids! It is easier to remember to protect our eyes as we age for a few reasons, one is that health is more prominent on our minds as we age, and another is eye sensitivity tends to increase with age. Start today!

According to a survey by American Academy of Ophthalmology, only half of the population check to see how much UV protection is in their sunglasses. The good news? We can provide you with 100% UV protection. Some styles to consider would be a wraparound so that your eyes have more protections from more areas.

Don’t forget the kids! If you need classes for the whole family, we can help. We have styles that provides 100% UV protection in prescription and non-prescription.

Also – remember that clouds do not block the UV lighting. Therefore, don’t forget that this investment in quality sunglasses will last you all year long!

Have questions or are ready to explore our selection of polarized lenses? Contact us for an eye exam today!